I had originally planned to do a 'Top 5 Brushes', but it was too hard. Instead here is my top 10 makeup brushes, in no order.
Real Techniques Expert Face Brush
This one divides the blogging community a little. I love it, it's dense, soft and perfect for speedy early morning buffing of foundation. It is fast, effective and bloody good value for money.
Real Techniques Blush Brush
Another one that people seem to love of loath. I love that it is tapered, so I can pick up just a little colour but then is is soft enough to blend it all at the same time. I reviews this brush
Tarte Blush Brush
This is one of those random brushes that you fall for, I got it as part of a gift set, but it is the perfect contour brush, it's both flat and dense, so it can place colour precisely and aid the blending, because it is slightly tapered, it is great for picking up just a little product.
Rae Morris Mini Kabuki
This is the Mini Kabuki from the newer magnetic range, I don't have the original to compare. I love this for highlighting, it's dense and fluffy but quite small, making it perfect for a light swipe of colour across the top of the cheap bones.
Rae Morrish Flawless Shader
This is the Flawless shader from the original Rae Morris brush set. It's a fantastic brush for blending out any harsh lines on the face or applying powder to large areas. It is also really good for contouring as it is dense and quite thin.
The only difference between this brush and the same from the new Magnetic range is the appearance, also the brushes are slightly softer. No reason to upgrade.
Rae Morris Medium Oval Shadow Brush
I love this brush for laying down any base colours or packing on colour, it's not as stiff as most, but because it is reasonably large, and picks up colour well, it does a great job at placing it on the lid.
Lancôme Blending Brush
I love this brush for general blending, it came with an eyes kit my mum brought back from the US, it's synthetic, a little bit stiff and reasonably tapered, I'm not sure how it became one of my faves, probably because it's purple, and then because it did a good job.
Hakuhodo S146
As blending brushes go, this one is quite small, it makes it perfect for blending into the crease while my eye is open. My eyes are quite hooded, so if I try to place colour and blend into the crease with my eyes closes, it ends up looking terrible So I don't.
This is the tip of the brush against a 5p coin and a $1 coin, just to give you an idea of how small it is.
Hakuhodo mini pencil brush
This brush doesn't have name on it, it came as part of a set. It is tiny and I really like it for detail work like the inner corner or lower lash line.
You can see in this picture, just how teeny tiny it is.
Last, but no means least:
Illamasqua Lip Brush
At first this probably looks like every other lip brush, but it isn't, its as thin as most lip brushes, but it comes to a point, it isn't as rounded as most.
This photo shoes how pointed it is. Unfortunately, Illamasqua changed the design of their lip brushes, they now come with a cap, and they are more rounded than the old design. As soon as I realised this, I sent all of my friends a huntin' at their local Illamasqua counters and managed to pick up a few more. I only use a lip brush for my OCC Lip Tars, but this is a god send for doing a perfect red lip on someone else as the line you can create is perfect.
So there you have it, I really wanted to mention a few others, such as the Illamasqua concealer brush, and also the brush up brush, but to be honest there are other brushes that do the same job as these. I adore makeup brushes, so picking only 10 was really tough.
Do you own any of these brushes? do you have your own faves I haven't mentioned?